Help save lives at the New Berlin West Blood Drive

National Honors Society will be sponsoring a blood drive on Friday, November 1st, at New Berlin West High School. The drive will take place in the middle school gym from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All New Berlin West students, 16 years or older, and staff are welcome. Sign-ups are held in the main lobby each morning, or during lunch. All students between the ages of 16 and 17 must bring photo IDs and parent consent forms.
Before donating, donors will be required to have a mini physical to check pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature. This process will make sure that each donor is healthy enough to give blood. The donor will be donating one pint, and will receive snacks and drinks afterwards.
“People should definitely do it because it’s not painful and doesn’t take much time,” encourages student donor, Ross Rick.
New Berlin West was able to collect 85 units of blood last year. This year’s goal is to collect at least 90 units of blood.
Anna Howell, who is also a student donor said, “It’s for a good cause, and I’m happy to do it.”