Christmas cheer arriving earlier than usual

It seems Christmas has started early this year. Even before Thanksgiving stations are playing Christmas music and stores are putting up decorations.
Winter has barely begun, but Christmas cheer is already making its appearance. Many people and places are beginning to celebrate the holiday earlier than usual; will this make the season more enjoyable or cause it to be obnoxious?
Most stores already have their Christmas decorations flashing for customers and have out holiday merchandise that is ready to be sold. Mayfair Mall and Brookfield Square dangled their white, twinkling lights from the ceiling and set up Santa’s scenery, with his big red chair, in early November.
Stores may seem hyped for the holidays, but the public does not seem to share this same excitement. Neighborhoods are not yet decorated or displaying their Christmas cheer. Christmas decor is the perfect way to express ones holiday spirit, but I think stores are far ahead of their customers. People are currently caught up in their busy schedules with work and school while hanging decorations on their houses hasn’t become a priority yet.
Not only are stores putting up decorations, but they are also having early holiday sales. Stores and malls are always crowded during the holidays, but many people are getting their present shopping done early this year. Stores are advertising Black Friday sales and prices for the entire week beforehand so people can “beat the rush.” On Black Friday, stores are opening earlier than ever. Customers are excited for the sales and are happy they are beginning earlier; many more people are purchasing their Christmas presents during this time because they want the sales. I think early sales are a great idea because more people will go shopping and it will ultimately help the economy.
Grocery stores have had Christmas products such as red and green themed cupcakes, cookies, cakes, desserts, etc. in stock for at least the past week. When you walk into a grocery store, you see more Christmas desserts than you do Thanksgiving themed treats. It is evident that Thanksgiving is becoming less important in the eyes of marketers. Many stores, including those that sell grocery items, are skimming over Thanksgiving and jumping straight to Christmas. However, I believe that Thanksgiving is a very important holiday due to the fact that it brings families closer together and gives people an opportunity to stop and be thankful, thus it should not be ignored.
The entertainment industry is joining stores by bringing its Christmas spirit early. TV stations, specifically Hallmark, began playing Christmas movies on November 1st, and ABC family started showing Christmas movies on November 20th. Many people, including me, have been tuning into these channels to get into the Christmas spirit. Although many people are enjoying these classic films, I think they began too early. By the time Christmas actually comes, the audience will be tired of these movies, and will no longer want to watch them. Hallmark replays many of the movies and they get repetitive; if they offered up a fresh variety every week, then maybe the viewers would not become bored.
Some radio stations have begun to play holiday music during early October, but most stations said that they will not be playing their Christmas music until after Thanksgiving. I believe that waiting until after Thanksgiving to play Christmas music is ideal because it not only designates the proper respect for Thanksgiving, but also provides ample time for Christmas music enjoyment. If stations began playing Christmas music too soon, it may become repetitive and people may lose their Christmas spirit before the holiday even arrives.
Beginning Christmas celebrations early can be a joyful experience, so long as it is controlled. Unfortunately, a majority of stores began their Christmas promotions in early November. A more ideal starting time would have been a week before Thanksgiving. This way stores can still start their sales early and avoid a small portion of the Black Friday rush. It’s also the perfect amount of time to get people excited for the upcoming holidays without it becoming obnoxious and repetitive. If done tastefully, the arrival of early Christmas cheer could definitely increase family’s spirit and allow them to enjoy the special occasion on an entirely new level.