Anime Milwaukee returns this February
Interested in anime, manga, video games, or anything else geek culture? Alone on Valentine’s Day? Anime Milwaukee’s got you covered!
Created by UWM students, Anime Milwaukee will be returning this Valentine’s weekend for its eight consecutive year. With a huge vendor room, rave presented by Love Shine, and panels running all weekend, there’s something for everyone. Based off of the fact that the Hyatt Regency’s Anime Milwaukee room block filled up, forcing the con staff to reserve another block in a second hotel, attendance should be bigger and better than ever. At this time, a full weekend pass costs $45 at the door; but it’s definitely worth it.
But enough of all the technical stuff, here’s why this convention will be its best year yet. The convention has grown immensely. From my four years of experiencing it, it has gone from baby convention to its in-between sized; this year, it has officially grown out of its awkward middle school stage and into a larger convention. Because of this, however, I believe there will be more than the staff can handle and it will be unorganized; but attendees are sure to have fun if they can keep themselves occupied for the slower parts of the day.
This year, the Maid Café is actually organized. From past years, it wasn’t as popular as it has become. Last year, applications for the Maid Café were never formally taken, and the age to volunteer was never confirmed. However, I believe the staff saw this as a huge attention-getter, as one of the better put together Maid Cafés I’ve seen, and took advantage of this. This time around, the Maid Café got its own application and has started its own Facebook page to raise excitement.
Two bands will be playing concerts over the course of the weekend. I’m not usually one to go to those kind of things, but it’s just a sign of the growing convention.
This is also the first time the convention will be featuring a Lolita fashion show. I don’t know much about it, but I’m excited for it.
The manga library will be a new addition to the weekend’s events. I think this is a great idea for those who have nothing to do between meet-ups, waiting to check into hotel rooms, or after the day events are done. My guess is this library will run similar to the way the game rooms do: trade your badge for full access, and get it back when you’re heading out.
A large cast of voice actors and special guests will be attending the convention as well. Though going to these events aren’t really my thing and I usually have convictions with certain voice actors (i.e. Leah Clark who voiced Saki in the English dub of Eden of the East, one of my favorite shows, but the English dub just about ruined it entirely), I still believe this adds to the overall of a convention. The special guests do bring in more attendees and it’s usually a sign of a larger convention. I know a lot of people who follow voice actors much more religiously than I do, and I respect that.
There’s even more reasons than I’ve talked about that will make this year’s Anime Milwaukee a hit. And the re’s really no way of knowing what it’s like to go to a convention unless you experience it for yourself.